Propagating Plants for NYDEC
New York City spends billions of dollars to protect its drinking water system, arguably the City's largest capital asset. Since 2016, One Nature has propagated plants for riparian stream corridor restoration project in the New York City's West-of-Hudson Reservoir system. These plants, grown with no chemical herbicides or pesticides, are critical to ensuring that the forests around the reservoirs are healthy enough to filter pollutants from the drinking water. Seeds are collected from the Catskill Mountains, started by our partners at the NYC Greenbelt Center in Staten Island, and grown-to-size in our plant nursery. At least 5,000 trees are delivered each fall to partner Soil and Water Conservation districts for installation.
For our latest shipment, some of the species include: Spirea alba (Meadowsweet), Betula alleghaniensis (Yellow Birch), Populus deltoides (Eastern Cottonwood), Cornus amomum (Silky Dogwood), Pinus strobus (White Pine), and many more.