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What We Do
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Garden Tour with Bryan Quinn - June 19th at 5:30pm
Planting the Seeds for Moving and Feeling Better, with Patrick Hogan. APRIL 20th from 10am - 12pm
DIY Pollinator Gardens from Plugs, 3/26 from 4-5:45pm
sold out
Rain Barrel 101 (+build and take home a rain barrel) with Sergei Krasikov - May 20, 10 am
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Introduction to Stone Wall Dry-Stacking with John Moss - April 1, 12:00 PM
sold out
Bluebird Nest Box Building with Lori Merhige - March 18, 10 am
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Hugelkultur Construction for Home Gardeners with Jeff Binkley - April 22, 10am
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Garden Tour with Bryan Quinn - July 8, 5:30 pm
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Native Plants with Medicinal Properties with Blair Patterson - Aug 19, 10am
Only 1 available
Growing Gourmet Mushrooms on Logs with Jesse Stacken - May 7, 10 am
sold out
Introduction to Stone Wall Dry-Stacking with John Moss - April 1, 12:00 PM (Christine Sawicki)
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Seed Collection, Storage, and Stratification with Abby Flaitz - Oct. 14, 10am
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Build Your Own Plant Press with Jodie Schoelkopf - Aug 12, 10am
Permaculture Principles in Action Garden Tour with Jesse Stacken - Aug. 6, 11 am
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Forest Playground Tour with Bryan Quinn - Sep 14, 5 pm
Suburban Landscapes for the Future (based on ancient ideas) with Bryan Quinn - Sep 28, 4:30 pm
sold out
(ANOTHER) DIY Pollinator Gardens from Plugs, 4/16 from 4-5:45pm
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(ANOTHER) DIY Pollinator Workshop April 16 4-5:45
Only 3 available