When Jesse first started studying permaculture, it was growing techniques that he was most hungry for. However, the permaculture ethics and principles that he learned back then have taken deep root and have become more and more important guides in the evolving design of his garden. Jesse would like to plant in your mind the seeds of the ethics and principles as he walks you through his garden and explains how they are being applied. Fruit trees, berries, perennial vegetables, annual vegetables, pollinator gardens, chicken composters, and rain water harvesting are some of the elements we’ll view through the lens of the permaculture ethics and principles.
Led by Jesse Stacken, One Nature Garden Coach
Jesse believes that with just a little effort on our part, we can turn our neighborhoods from places of consumption to places of production. His long-held interest in gardening, personal and societal wellness, and food sovereignty led him to complete the Visionary Permaculture Design Certificate course at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in Wappinger, NY in 2018. His personal garden features a chicken-driven composting system, more 600 gallons of rain water collection, more than 15 types of fruit, several perennial vegetables, over a dozen medicinal herbs, dozens of pollinator plants, and extensive annual vegetables all working together in a resilient, cooperative system that requires less and less outside inputs as it matures.
$25 per person
Space is limited and registration is required. Tour is held outdoors, so please dress accordingly.